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Open Doors Yoga Teacher Trainings

Boston Area & South Shore

Open Doors Yoga Studios, Yoga Teacher Training Programs, Boston, South Shore, 200 Hour Teacher Training, 300 Hour Yoga Teacher Advanced Training, Additional Yoga Teacher Certifications, Weymouth, Duxbury, Norwell, Taunton

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Open Doors Yoga Studios is a Registered Yoga Alliance Nationally Recognized Teacher Training School that offers 200 Hour Trainings with multiple trainings a year at various studios. 


Our 300 Hour Advanced Trainings are scheduled yearly. 


Open Doors also offers a number of additional certifications including Yin Yoga, Pre-Natal, Kids Yoga, Yoga  Therapy, Yoga for Anxiety and Depression.  These certifications are scheduled at various times a year. 


Open Doors also offers an Enrichment Yoga Study Program for students who want to deepen knowledge about yoga but aren't necessarily interested in becoming a certified instructor.

Open Doors Teacher Training Program Reviews

Teacher Training Reviews


I always knew I wanted to take the teacher training program. People would tell me 'it will happen when you are ready'. I am so glad I did. This program changed my life completely. I felt so grounded and was able to achieve a lot of things that were not yoga related due to inner confidence and physical and emotional strength. I learned so much from the diverse and talented teachers who are so knowledgeable it is ridiculous. We are so lucky to have this program on the South Shore.-- 



During the summer of 2013 I joined the Open Doors 200 Hour Power Yoga Teacher Training program after years of toying with the idea. I went to college right after high school, and then onto grad school for Anthropology while working full time in an office. I subconsciously suffered from never overcoming mental abuse from an authority figure during my undergraduate years. I was sad, bored, and not myself working this 9-5 corporate job after graduating grad school. Being a student of Open Doors, I trusted that this program would bring me happiness.


The program helped me get passed my frustrations of not being able to get a job in my field of study, being left with a tremendous amount of debt and no one who understood. I became present minded during this journey, uncovering my spiritual being. Throughout the program I learned the proper way to get in and out of and experience yoga postures, my breathing improved and I was able to help others breathe. Because of the program I recognize a greater being that gives me hope and keeps me calm.


The instructors of the program were very experienced, knowledgeable, reliable, and friendly. I went on to franchise the East Bridgewater studio and teach classes on a regular basis. We brought the program to EB in 2014 and it was a success! Most of the students of the EB PYTT program still teach there.


Most importantly, the Open Doors community is wide stretched, so you’ll never be without. 



My yoga journey began many years ago and last year I felt that I needed something more - that I wanted to not only have my own practice, but be able to truly share that practice with others.  After researching Yoga Teacher Training Programs, I chose to attend the Open Doors Yoga Studios 8-month (200 hour) Teacher's Training.  After my first day I was so excited but nervous!  How was I ever going to stand in front of a group of students and TEACH them yoga??  That question was quickly answered over the course of the next few months.  The syllabus, lesson plans, and homework assignments are completely designed to "teach the teacher".


I can't say enough about my teachers as well - Shawn, Karen, Shelly, Marissa, Matt & Richard guided our group through our lesson plans and made me the confident instructor I am today.  The program is concise, challenging, but truly provides a strong base for those who want to teach yoga.


Michelle Competieilo


Completing the 8-month teacher training program through Open Doors Yoga Studios was one of the best experiences of my life. I initially signed up as a way to learn more about yoga and to deepen my own practice. I never intended on becoming a teacher, as I’ve also been very quiet and introverted. But given a wealth of information from a number of great teachers throughout the program, I am confident that I am able to guide students through a safe, and empowering practice. I have found my “voice” and I truly enjoy teaching now!

I made some great connections with fellow students and teachers during the program, and also found a better connection with myself. I learned so much during those 8 months, and would recommend the teacher training program to anyone interested in teaching, or even just to deepen one’s own practice.


Michelle Competieilo


The Open Doors 8 month Yoga Teacher Training Program was a transformative and life changing experience! Not only was I able to learn the foundations of teaching yoga and deepen my own practice but I also made life-long friends. I strongly recommend this program for anyone looking to deepen their own yoga practice, teach others, and connect with like-minded people. The Open Doors Community is like none other and I’m grateful for the lessons, practice, and support from classmates, teachers, and the community.

Sharon Peterson


I had no idea what to expect when I committed myself to Open Doors 200 Hour YTT program. One hour into night one, while reviewing the syllabus of what was to come, I heard myself say: “What did I get myself into?” This program is so much more than learning the skills of teaching yoga and enhancing your own yoga practice. The personal growth this experience has awarded me is priceless. Not only do I see myself differently (i.e. with more confidence, increased self-esteem, less stress…and so much more), I have a whole new appreciation for life. Open Doors YTT team of instructors shares their wealth of knowledge with kindness and compassion in a loving and friendly environment, always making themselves available to provide added guidance and instruction, as needed. Every lesson presented within the program is not only interesting and fun; the lessons learned can be applied to every day life. On the final bittersweet night, I had my certificate in hand and the answer to my question: I got myself into a life altering experience. The only regret I have coming out of this program, is the regret of not doing it sooner.

Andi - Open Doors Teacher Training


The 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training was a life changing experience!  Not only did I gain further knowledge about my own practice, but overcame stage-fright in a caring and loving environment.  The added bonus?  I left with a family of sisters.  Whether you are looking to teach after you complete the course or want to further your practice, I encourage you to take the YTT program!

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