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Canton Yoga Instructors | Open Doors Yoga Studios 

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Kelsey Damrad

 Yoga has been a constant in my life, from high school to present. Whether it's been a rolled-out mat in my living room or in the corner of a packed yoga studio, my practice is my way of keeping my, otherwise overactive, mind grounded and balanced - a sentiment I have learned that many Yogis can relate to! My goal is to offer my students a space that is nurturing, healing and energetic; a space that is all about you and your fellow Yogis, and rooted in self-love. At the end of class, I hope to have guided you to a state of contentment - known as Santosha in Sanskrit. I received my 200-hour yoga certification in June 2016 from Brookline’s Down Under School of Yoga. I specialize in teaching heated and non-heated Vinyasa to all levels.


Brenda Dupree

Bethany Dupree

 I took my very first yoga class at Open Doors Yoga Studios back in 2010. I remember little of the class except for the very beginning, where the instructor taught me how to really breathe (In and out through the nose! Who knew?!), and the very end, where in Savasana I learned I could really be. After eight years of focusing on my own practice, I realized that a) there was so much more I wanted to learn and b) I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer! I started the deep dive into teacher training, gaining my 200-hr yoga certification as well as a certification in meditation. And the journey will never end as I continue to explore the layers upon layers of what yoga has to offer. We are truly learners in this lifetime! Yoga has brought me to a place where I feel light-hearted, free, and grateful. And I now see that every breath we take is an incredible opportunity to practice this thing called life.


Rebecca Flinn

Rebecca Flinn

I walked away from my 1st yoga class thinking something was different in me. I thought it was that I spent an hour in survival mode and survived! Looking back, I realized that I was only focused on the moment and there was no room for any other thoughts. It was such a great feeling to be present and not being distracted by constant thoughts or worries. Flash forward 14 years and now in my 50’s, I entered the Universal Power Yoga (UPY) studio and met the yoga instructors who would guide me on the 200 hour journey to becoming a teacher; Jen Merola-Palmer, Sue Bonanno and Bill MacDonald. I learned how important this practice is toward fostering a healthier lifestyle and outlook. Yoga is my path toward a more balanced and joyful life. When you can clear your mind, you can clear away any obstacles that may be holding you back. I believe a yoga class should be uplifting and fun, yet mindful. I like to practice with a sense of playfulness. Yoga allows for this kind of exploration and light hearted approach, a balance of effort and play. If you are having fun, it doesn’t feel like work!

Angela Montell

Angela Montello

I’ve always aspired to have a consistent yoga practice. I would lay my mat out in my living room and follow videos from time to time, but could never seem to keep a solid routine. I had been skeptical of going to yoga classes because the idea of working out in front of a group of strangers made me uneasy. I found Buti yoga about three years ago, and it immediately changed my perspective on going to classes and yoga itself. After that first class I was so inspired by the movements, and the connection with the body, breathe and beat of the music it was impossible to live without this practice in my life from that point on. Through the years my inspiration for Buti yoga just kept growing, and that is when I realized its my turn to give it back to the people around me. I am Buti Yoga certified and Hot Buti Yoga certified through the Buti 200 HR RYT program. My classes are meant to move your body and awaken your soul, and sweat through a combination of Vinyasa flow, tribal dance, cardio, and plyometrics. My goal is to give you a space to let go of the stress that daily life brings to us, and to just have fun!

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Lisa O'Connor

I began practicing at Open Doors in 2014, for a physical workout and, with time, my practice turned more mental than physical. Over the years, I was unsure where I wanted my practice to go or even where I could take it. I stumbled upon an opportunity to take the 200-hour teacher training program at Core Power Yoga in Boston and was sold. During teacher training, I learned more about my practice and myself than I could have imagined and now I am very much looking forward to sharing all I learned. I love that yoga is a universal practice and that each person can take away something completely different from the same class. I am also a Cardiovascular ICU Nurse, so yoga has given me a strong sense of balance with such an intense job, which I am so grateful for. When I'm not practicing yoga, I am usually planning my next vacation, going on hikes or finding a new recipe. I hope my classes are uplifting, meaningful and truly enjoyable for all.

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Amy Orsini

RYT200, Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher. I am a mom of 3 grown children. I have been practicing yoga for over 10 years. I found that it made me feel so good inside and out. My body and my spirit were ignited. I wanted to dig deeper into the teachings of the yoga philosophy and that is why I decided to take a year-long opportunity to join yoga teacher training at Universal Power Yoga. At the conclusion I decided to dig deeper and so I took a teacher training in meditation at Soulspace. I found my passion and truly enjoy sharing these gifts. I want to help people realize their true potential, and feel their best. My classes are suitable for all levels of practitioners, and I offer a variety of modifications and variations for each posture. When I am not practicing yoga, I enjoy hiking with my beagle and skiing with my husband and kids.

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Ivana Raich

My personal yoga and meditation journey began 13 years ago. During those years I became a 500hr Certified Yoga teacher from UPY, a Certified Prenatal Yoga teacher from Om Births, as well as a Meditation teacher from Sue Bonano. My intention as a Yoga teacher is to simply share the practice that I love! I want to help people see the light that Yoga can bring to their lives through mindful movement and self-appreciation. I hope to teach the importance of finding the breath and staying present in each moment. In my eyes, Yoga can be a safe zone- free from the busy world all around, and offers space to release anxieties and fears. My Yoga classes are primarily Vinyasa flow- breath to movement. I love helping students find that mind body connection. I encourage everyone to move at their own pace, and I offer many variations for poses letting each student discover the variations that support them best. I truly believe that yoga is for everybody, but it can look different for each body. My goal as a teacher is to make everyone feel welcome, safe, and comfortable during my yoga classes. One of the hardest parts of Yoga is just making it to the mat; once you’ve made it there, it’s all just practice. For those who are new to Yoga or those who have been practicing for years, Yoga can offer light in your life, learning to calm the mind, connecting with the body, and cultivating a happy heart.

Haley Rozell Yoga Insructor, Open Doors Yoga Studios, Canton MA

Hayley Rozell

I have been practicing yoga for about 10 years and it has provided both my mind and body with flexibility. I have been practicing Buti yoga for 3 years now and it has been a great stress relieving, core strengthening, and primal experience! Yoga mixed with dance, cardio, and plyometrics makes for a fun and well-rounded workout. 

Jen Serani

Jen Serani

Jen has been practicing yoga for over 10 years. She received her 200-hour yoga alliance certification through Open Doors and completed her Yin Yoga teacher training with Shawn Cornelison. I love yoga for the balance that it brings in my life and I love helping others explore and find their balance through yoga. Everyone has the craziness in their lives and finding that time and space on our yoga mats to focus on ourselves is so important. I enjoy the physical and mental aspects of many types of yoga from the power vinyasa flows to the strength and flexibility of Yin poses. I look forward to practicing with you soon in class!


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Abby Spelman

I am so lucky to have had yoga as a constant in my very inconsistent life. Being able to meet my mat on now 4 (goal to see all 7!) continents has added a depth to my practice, connecting the most meaningful moments, experiences, and individuals I’ve met along the way. My main teaching style is a mindful vinyasa flow that blends with my anatomy knowledge from Nursing, a background in dance, and a love of music. Abby completed her CYT200 through Open Doors Studios. 


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Sharon Tesauro

I have always been physically active and enjoyed sports as a child. Naturally, I gravitated towards physical activity in my education. I obtained my B.A. in Exercise Science in 2013. An elective I had to take for my degree was Yoga. At the time, my work-out regimen focused more on cardio and strength training. I did not feel I really connected to my practice during the elective classes that semester. It felt slower than my usual workouts and was not what I was used to. As life went on over the next few years, I began noticing my workouts did not cut down on the daily stress I carried around with me. Then someone asked me one day “Sharon, how do you relax”? I did not have an answer to that question as my life at the time always felt I was on auto pilot. I decided to make more time for myself. I ended up taking a Community Class one Friday night through Open Doors with a friend, so we could catch up. After class I felt amazing! I felt different than I did after my other workouts. Not just physically but mentally. I began to implement classes into my regular routine. More recently over the past 3years yoga became a way for me to put myself “back together” after a long week. I began to invite friends to join me and share in how great it felt to be present in the moment. I began to think I should obtain my certification and teach Yoga. I enrolled in the 200hr RYT through Open Doors in 2019 and have just begun my journey as an Instructor so I can share my passion and the many benefits of Yoga with others.


Cassie Torres

Cassie Torres (Franchise Owner and Instructor)

I truly began practicing yoga in 2010. I have always been an active individual (body and mind) so I fell in love with the practice immediately. Yoga has since become one of the staples in my life that helps to keep me grounded. I am currently a full time nurse, and I'm continuously finding ways to share my yoga practice and teaching experience within my nursing role. I believe health is all about finding balance. When your body, mind, and spirit are all on the same page, that is what I call healthy. I first began teaching yoga in 2013 after completing the Children’s Yoga Teacher Training through Open Doors Yoga Studios. I intended to teach kids yoga as a light-hearted and fun way to relieve stress, but became hooked on teaching immediately! The passion I feel when sharing the practice of Yoga with others is my driving force, and is what lead me to pursue my 200hr RYT also through Open Doors Yoga Studios.

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