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Duxbury Yoga Instructors | Open Doors Yoga Studios 

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Lauren Ahola 

Lauren found yoga in 2010. Coming from a background of running and vigorous exercise, she loved the physical benefits yoga brought to her life. Over the years, yoga shifted from a physical practice to more of a spiritual and emotional journey. In 2015 she completed her 200 hour teaching training at Yoga Six in San Diego, CA. Returning to Boston in 2018, she completed an extensions teaching training course at Core Power Yoga. As a Registered Dietitian, Lauren is so happy to be able share her knowledge of nutrition and the importance of the mind/body connection with all of her students. Lauren believes that yoga is a constant journey that helps us to become better on and off the mat. She hopes to leave you feeling physically challenged and emotionally inspired.

Heather Allen

Heather Allen 

Growing up Heather was always interested in trying new athletic challenges, from softball to gymnastics, cheerleading, dance, and track. By the time she graduated college however, exercise was merely a means to stay fit. She first stepped onto a yoga mat in 2005 and started her teacher training the following year though Finding Inner Peace and Healing Tree Yoga in Quincy where she completed her 200 hour certification. Yoga has brought her peace and strength as well as an amazing appreciation of movement and motion. Each breath, each pose, each stretch is such gift! Heather's classes strive to be creative, flowing, and challenging while still honoring one's own body.

Beverly Bielewicz

Beverly Bielewicz

It took me sixteen years of dreaming, and four years of planning, to become a yoga instructor. My classes are open-hearted, friendly, and accessible to all; my teaching style mirrors my personality. I love creating community through yoga. My inclusive style of instruction invites students to explore movement and breath with safe physical alignment and energetic awareness, allowing participants to discover their own peace, power, and presence. I believe that the practice of yoga teaches us skills to become compassionate citizens of the world. RYT500 Sacred Seeds Yoga, Jacqui Bonwell, 2017, RYT200, Open Doors Power Yoga, 2015, Certifications: Yin Yoga, SPA Yoga, Balanced Athlete Level 1, Reiki 1. Additional training hours in teaching yoga to beginners. Judith Hanson Lasater Restorative Yoga Certification, anticipated June 2018.


Cindy Bowser

Cindy Bowser

Cindy Bowser is a 200hr CYT through Open Doors- 2013, 300hr CYT through Sacred Seeds with Jacqui Bonwell-2015.  I began my yoga journey in 2010 taking my first class at Open Doors and have been hooked since that class.  I’m proud of leading a fun-focused, challenging vinyasa flow with rocking upbeat music.  My main goal for students leaving my class is to feel better than when they came in and to really help them let loose and have some fun.  


Jan Burkhardt

Jan Burkhardt

Yoga is my way of life. 500hr ERYT Reiki Master Y12SR YIN and SPA certified .


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Sam Dormady

Mind, body and spirit flowing with grace.  Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Sam’s journey began in a prenatal yoga class in 2002.  As a lifelong equestrian accustomed to galloping 1200 pound horses over jumps, pregnancy compelled a less “exciting” outlet.  Yoga provided a new perspective.  Bridging mind, body and spirit, both on and off the mat.  What began as a whim evolved into a most welcomed and needed discovery that has changed her life.  Her yoga journey has continued, leading her on a path of passion and wellness. Sam completed her 200 hour certification, as well as a children’s yoga teacher certification, through Open Doors Power Yoga in 2012.  In her professional life, Sam has a B.S. in Education from Boston University and currently works in the Duxbury school system.  Her solid background of education combined with yoga instruction is enhanced by her years of experience as a certified Pilates instructor.  Her intention is to provide modifications and variations to a wide range of abilities, allowing each student to attain their personal goals and encourage growth of their practice.  She strives for a welcoming class environment, where students can practice flow at their own pace in a supportive and relaxed atmosphere.  Join Sam to tame your stress.  Come get your Om on!


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Tami Duggan

For me, yoga strengthens my body and calms my mind. Yoga gives back. When the breath and body are moving as one and the mind is on pause, that is my yoga. I take from my mat what serves me and try to leave what does not. I enrolled in Open Doors 200 hr YTT to learn more about the practice, and now as a teacher, I want to give back what I have received. Acceptance, gratitude and peace in my mind and in my heart. Off my mat, I have worked 30+ years in Radiation Oncology, a profession that has taught me above all else, to live in the moment. It has also taught me the power of the mind as it relates to overall wellness, and the healing benefits, mind and body, of a yoga practice. My passions are cultivating strong bonds with the people I adore and love, landscaping, hiking and walking the woods with my dogs, growing my flower container business and practicing kindness, compassion, and generosity. I look forward to sharing yoga with you.


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Danielle Ferreira

I first discovered yoga and fitness classes in 2006 shortly after my son was born. With a background in ballet and dance, many yoga poses came easily and I didn’t fully appreciate all that yoga and fitness had to offer. When I moved to Duxbury, I rediscovered yoga and became part of a wonderful community! At that point yoga became more than just a workout and stretching, I was finally linking mind and body through breathe, movement and meditation. It was a huge breakthrough! After spending most of days practicing yoga, I then decided to embark on yoga teacher training. I choose a 200 hour program at YogaBody out of Barcelona, Spain. Traveling to Barcelona twice on my own was totally life changing! I changed my body, my mind, and developed a love for learning! I wish to bring yoga and overall fitness to people so they may develop strength, balance, and flexibility. I offer the progression of all skills through the use of breath work to further develop the mind/body connection. This shift in career paths has truly been a blessing and I hope to share everything I’ve learned with all of my students!

Lauren Folan, Open Doors Yoga Studios, Yoga Instructor

Lauren Folan

Lauren was first introduced to yoga in 2010, when she took her first class ever and was hooked immediately! Yoga was the peace and serenity she needed, but could not find in corporate America. In 2013, she decided to put the financial world behind her and pursue a career in what she is passionate about - teaching. Not only did she go back to school for teaching mathematics, but also enrolled in Infinite Yoga's 200 hour training program in San Diego. She is passionate about sharing her love of yoga and teaching with an authentic and fun approach. Lauren believes that yoga is not just about the physical aspect - it is about becoming stronger mentally and emotionally as well. When you are having a good day, come to your mat. When you are having a bad day, ESPECIALLY come to your mat. She is extremely dedicated to creating a demanding, but nurturing and safe environment for students, that supports inward focus and exploration of the body, mind, and spirit. Lauren wants you leaving class feeling more aware and mentally and physically stronger!


Tammy Friend

Tammy Friend 

500hr CYT - Sacred Seeds Yoga School, 200hr CYT - Baptiste Institute, Core Strength Vinyasa Certificate - Sadie Nardini, MSEd in Counseling The College of Saint Rose, Reiki Level 1. I began my yoga journey in 2007 while rehabbing a knee injury and have been a practitioner and teacher ever since.  Prior to teaching yoga I was a running coach and endurance athlete, competing the Lake Placid Ironman in 2013!  Being active in very important to me.  In addition to the physical practice of yoga, I also embrace the personal wellness and meditative part of the practice.  What to expect in my classes: fun, athletic style, inclusivity,  creative and unique sequencing, easy to follow cuing, motivating language and upbeat music.  


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Alyson Gluecksmann 

Alyson believes yoga keeps your body strong, your heart soft, and your mind open. Since having a son, Alyson has found no better way to stay healthy and fit. With more than ten years experience on the mat, yoga has taught her how to have more patience and be more present day to day. Alyson hopes her clients enjoy the benefits of a strong physical practice and discover all the deeper qualities yoga has to offer. Alyson completed her 200 hour yoga teacher training at Inner Strength Studios in Watertown, MA. She is also a certified personal trainer through the American College of Sports Medicine. She holds a B.S. in communication from Boston University and an M.S. in Health Promotion Management from American University.


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Susanne Hallisey 

Susanne Hallisey offers open-hearted yoga classes and workshops filled with passion and authenticity. Her nursing background informs her teaching and her classes provide many opportunities for you to connect with your body, mind and spirit. Susanne is a graduate of Open Doors 200 Hour Teacher Training program and has been teaching yoga since 2006.  She also completed 300 hours of advanced yoga training through The Sacred Seeds Yoga School in January, 2021, meeting the requirements for 500 hour Yoga Alliance Certification.  Susanne also holds certifications in Yin Yoga, Reiki I and II, Balanced Athlete Level 1 Training, Yoga Nidra, and CLIR Training (Trauma Informed) Restorative Chair Yoga.  


Karen Hoogendijk, OPen Doors Yoga Instructor Duxbury Studio

Karen Hoogendijk

Karen has been an AFAA certified fitness instructor since 1988, as well as an avid runner. She moved to the South Shore from San DIego in 2007 . The many years of hard core exercise and miles of running were wearing her body down and she knew that she needed a kinder, gentler way of staying in shape. She had limited experience with yoga, until she did a team challenge at a local health club. Karen took her first vinyasa yoga class in 2011 and considered it one of the most humbling experiences of her life. After that one class, she was hooked. She recognizes yoga as a benefit for both mind and body. Now with her 200 hr yoga teacher training completed, she hopes her enthusiasm for yoga will be contagious to her students. Namaste

Kim Howard

Kim Howard

Kim left a career in corporate HR and Law to focus on bringing more balance into her own life. After practicing yoga regularly for over 5 years, Kim took a leap to the other side of the mat to better align her livelihood with her passion for teaching, fitness and mindfulness. She first turned to yoga to recover and stay in shape when an injury derailed her running, and in addition to the changes in her body, she was hooked on the mental and spiritual shift in her life. In addition to running and yoga, Kim is an avid hiker and loves the great outdoors. She completed her 200 CYT through Open Doors Yoga Studios and her 500 CYT with Sacred Seeds Yoga School. She holds additional certifications in Kids Yoga and Clinically Informed Restorative Yoga (CLIR) and is a Level I Balanced Athlete Coach. She also teaches graduate school and still does some consulting. Kim lives in Hanover with her son Dylan and their rescue pup Susana. 

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Lisa Ignazio

My name is Lisa Ignazio, and I am a Plymouth Native. I believe a simple, well rounded yoga practice can heal what is out of harmony, and help find joy within ourselves.
Health and fitness were always a part of my life. My father was a bodybuilder and instilled the concept of exercise and movement at a young age. At age 5 I began ballet classes and 6 Years ago I transitioned to Ballroom Dance. While studying finance at Bridgewater State University, I obtained my Personal Training Certificate through IFPA and I spent 5 years working in the fitness industry. After I earned my degree, I began my sales career where personal development practices such as meditation and yoga became a daily habit. I was immediately hooked when I took my first Open Doors Power Yoga Class in 2015, and that’s where my yoga journey began to unfold. Each class I attended I found peace, confidence and alignment within myself that I was able to take off my mat. I completed my 200 hours through Open Doors Teacher Training in 2018, and I’m so excited to teach at the studio where I first began my yoga practice. I bring my fitness background to my yoga classes, an encouraging, playful mentality and fun music! My goal is for everyone attending class to leave with the same peace, confidence and alignment within themselves that yoga gave me. Namaste.

Susan Johnson Prev McDonough

Susan Johnson

I took my transformational 200 hour teacher training at South Boston yoga, have been teaching regularly since 2007, and have been loving every moment.  I have always been lucky enough to be involved in athletic adventures throughout my life, and yoga was just another step in that journey. As I started to practice more regularly, I began to notice the benefits in my body, and not long after that, the benefits in my head and spirit as well.  Everyone's yoga journey is different but my hope is all my students find their way to being happier, healthier, stronger, more courageous, more adventurous, and more at peace, just as I did.  Come on in, have a little fun, move and sweat on your mat, breathe and just BE.


Laurel Kornhiser

Laurel Kornhiser

Laurel became interested in eastern philosophy and yoga as a teenager and took Introduction to Yoga as her first college class. She then shifted her focus to becoming an English teacher and starting a family before returning to a regular yoga practice as a way to reground after personal loss. Several years and many workshops at Kripalu later, she enrolled and completed Open Doors’ 200-hour teacher training. In addition to the flow of body and breath, Laurel is interested in the link between yoga and creativity.

Annie McKnight

Annie McKnight

I began yoga as a way of incorporating new movement into my life after sustaining an injury due to muscular imbalance. I was nervous to try out something new, but I was instantly comforted by the welcoming and grounding nature of yoga. As my journey with yoga progressed, I began to learn that building strength can be restorative and that by turning inward I was able to find balance, both physically and mentally. My goal as a yoga teacher is to provide a supportive and encouraging environment for students to connect with their balance and inner strength. I believe that yoga teaches us to move with compassion and respect for ourselves so that we can move through the world with compassion and respect for others. In my classes I look forward to helping students cultivate this self-compassion in their own yoga practice through mindful movement.

Kayla Methot

Kayla Methot (Sub)

Yoga first came into Kayla‘s life as part of a course while attaining her minor degree in holistic health during nursing school. After achieving her Bachelors of Science in Nursing, Kayla moved from Maine to the Boston area to further pursue her nursing career as a labor and delivery nurse. Kayla practiced yoga intermittently after college. However, after working as a nurse through the pandemic, being hospitalized herself and diagnosed with lupus, Kayla found spiritual growth and healing by bringing yoga back into her life regularly. Experiencing what yoga did for her own life and health, she knew wanted to help others see the light it could bring into their lives. She completed her 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training through Open Doors in 2021. For Kayla, yoga is not just about the workout, it’s about the work in and connecting with our own bodies ability to not only heal but thrive. 

Bailey Miles

Bailey Miles

I’ve alway been on a quest to find my purpose through life. I enjoy finding the beauty in everything, optimistic rather than as obstacles. I have experienced that in tackling any problem areas in life, movement and breathing have been at the forefront. I like to explore new ways of thinking and being. When I realized my intuitive vision was strong I set out to become a yoga teacher to serve as part of my community. My name is Bailey Miles, I came to New England in 2017 from South Dakota. I am a 200hr RYT that has been practicing for over a decade. I teach a variety of classes including power, gentle, vinyasa, Buti, face, and sculpt yoga flows. Through yoga I want to deepen and broaden the knowledge of who you are at the level of your innermost soul, and really learn to love the person that you are. My positive and optimistic personality will leave you in good spirits and able to see the big picture, so that you can spread inspiration around the world.

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Whitney Miller

Yoga helps me to step outside the box of my busy life and find freedom in mind, body, and spirit. I teach so that I can help others relax and connect to that same sense of space. As both an experienced yoga teacher and personal trainer, my classes are fluid, thoughtful and fun! I hope to make you curious about your own body, and help you learn to move and feel better both on and off the mat. CYT-200 Open Doors Yoga Studios 2011, CPT Academy of Sports Medicine 2013-2020, National Academy of Sports Medicine 2021. Additional studies through advanced yoga training with Todd Skoglund and Georgia Reath of South Boston Yoga 2013, Empowered Performance with Katie St. Clair 2022.


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Katherine Mulford

Through the past ten years of teaching yoga has become an integral part of my being.  I have witnessed amazing transformations not only physically (because that is to be expected) but emotionally, energetically & spiritually.  I feel many start coming to a class for its physical benefits but leave feeling so much more than a good stretch or workout.  Daily life can bring stress and undue anxiety. My classes offer a place of release, a time to reset, recalculate your nervous system & to be able to tap into your truest self.  During my power classes I do offer an intense workout but I never leave out the nourishment for the spiritual & mental state.  When I am not at Open Doors you will find me at the local senior center offering the benefits of yoga to some of my favorite yogis! Having my Children Yoga Certification helps me get my three children involved with the practice as well. I hope to see you on your mat one day for a full mind, body & spirit experience!


Matt Mullen, Yoga Teacher, Boston's Best Yoga Teachers, Massage Therapist

Matt Mullen (Instructor & Co-Owner of Weymouth, Duxbury, Norwell Studios)

I am first and foremost a humble healer, a Massage Therapist trained in many modalities, from Swedish Massage to Deep Tissue Sports Massage. I have been blessed to be a Massage Therapist for over 20 years. In those twenty years I have been honored to work on thousands of clients, priding myself in creating a sanctuary for real and lasting healing to occur.


Jayne Piacentini

Jayne Piacentini

I was introduced to yoga by a friend when I was struggling to discover my true self. Yoga anchored me and helped me to discover who and what I wanted to be. I am an advocate for mental health awareness and I enjoy incorporating yoga into my work as a mental health professional. I completed my 200 hour YTT during the pandemic, which was a great experience during an uncertain time. My hope for you when you come to one of my classes is to get a workout in, both physically and mentally.

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Jessica Reilly 

My journey with yoga began many years ago, the calmness I felt after my first class kept bringing me back for more. I developed a wonderful connection between my mind and body and enjoyed the positivity, relaxation and strength I found as my yoga practice grew. I teach a variety of different style yoga classes. I like to focus on strength as well as breath, relaxation and stretching. I completed a 200hr yoga teacher training through Open Doors as well as an additional training in power yoga. My goal as a teacher is to create a welcoming environment for all, where students can explore who they are as a yogi and embrace their best self on and off the mat.


Bill Selvitellle Open Doors Duxbury Yoga Intructor

Bill Selvitelle (Sub)

I tried Yoga in March of 2013 for the first time with the hope of helping my running aches and pains. I had three marathon's to my credit along with various other running adventure's. I was 54 years old and trying YOGA? What was I thinking, this is for younger folks! I fell in love with Yoga after the first lesson. I was hooked! I thought I would be in a beginning or level 1-2 for years and much to my surprise I moved, at my own pace, and very comfortably into hot power 2-3 class in a short time. You are never too old for anything in life. Its finding the balance in YOU that will make YOU the best YOGIE YOU will be! In June of 2015 I retired from work and started Yoga school with Open Doors in October. The classroom training and support from everyone at Open Doors is fantastic! I blessed to have eight wonderful ladies in my class of all ages and we had a great time becoming our yoga family. Yoga is different for everyone. For me its not about the asana's/moves and the workout, its more about meditation and relaxation and the inner peace that is in each and everyone of us. You need to take the time to explore and experience Yoga.

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Kelly Sott

I was introduced to yoga about 12 years ago and immediately fell in love.  Although my practice began more as a means to exercise, with study, I have realized how much deeper yoga has the ability to reach beyond the physical body. Originally from Philadelphia and having lived all over the country and abroad, I relocated to Massachusetts last year and am so excited to be part of the South Shore yoga community. I received my 200 hour certification through Open Doors and am registered with Yoga Alliance.  Currently I am working on my RCYT 95 hour to teach children and teen’s yoga with a trauma-informed focus.  I am also certified in Gravity Yoga and Thai Massage Level 1, and am a certified breath coach.  I will be earning my certifications in Yoga Anatomy, Yoga Sculpt, Yin, and Restorative Yoga by November 2021.  I am a forever student- constantly striving to learn and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually, both personally and as a teacher, and hope to be able to share my knowledge, growth, and love of yoga with all of you.  My classes focus on the mind, body, and breath connection in an upbeat, welcoming environment. I look forward to seeing you on the mat!

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Jess Thompson

My yoga and meditation practice began when I was seventeen years old. At that time, I was in high school, hardly knew what yoga or meditation was, and was placed into yoga as elective class. Although initially hesitant, I soon fell in love with the movement and breath and began to regularly take hot yoga classes at the local studio in town. The feeling I experienced afterward was the closest I’ve ever been to peace, and I kept returning to the mat over and over again. I began to feel love and compassion for myself and found a community of people I felt understood me. In 2018, I graduated from the Yoga Spirit 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training and began teaching others about the practice that transformed my life.⁣⁣⁣ Since obtaining my certification, I have taught groups up to 100 people at a time, worked with numerous private clients, hosted professional corporate classes, taught at 6+ high schools, lead therapeutic group classes for addiction recovery, mentored over a dozen kids from the ages of 5-18, raised $2800 for charitable causes through donation-based yoga, and regularly teach classes and workshops.⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣
I am registered with the yoga alliance as a ERYT-200, and I am continuing my education with a 300-hour advanced certification. My teaching style allows students to unfold limitations in both their body and mind while providing a space for them to feel a sense of peace within. I weave thought provoking meditations and mindful breath work throughout my classes, applying ancient wisdom to our western world in a useful and understandable way. My hope is that you will leave your mat finding peace, empowerment, and self-acceptance through yoga, just as I have.

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Kristen VanNess

Kristen VanNess is a registered Yoga Alliance Teacher who completed her 200 hr. certification at Power Yoga of Cape Cod in the Spring of 2013. Her classes are energizing, leaving you feeling blissful and full of life. Kristen will lead you through a flow of poses suitable for students of all ages and levels, providing modifications for different intensities. Whether it is your first time on a mat or you are looking to intensify your yoga experience, Kristen is committed to improving your physical and mental well-being with her breadth of knowledge and welcoming personality.

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Anne Winter 

B.F.A. in Dance & Physiology from Connecticut College Masters Education from Suffolk University , Studied with: Rolf Gates, Jason Crandall,  Ana Forrest, David Vendetti, Meaghan B. Currie, Training; Jivamukti Yoga with Sharon Gannon, N.Y.C.,   Laughing Lotus Yoga, N.Y.C.

I’ve been teaching Yoga at Open Doors for over 15 years. My whole life has revolved around movement. I danced professionally with Boston Ballet for 3 years. I studied at American Ballet Theater in N.Y.C., and then transitioned to Broadway and traveled with several touring companies. During my travels, I found Yoga! It blended the discipline of ballet with a workout for the mind. I listened inwardly and acted on those feelings. Yoga can leave you emotionally cleansed and physically balanced. My classes are fun and challenging,  a time to explore your body and to heighten your awareness. Yoga is a journey to be enjoyed! Looking forward to sharing my classes with you.


Sarah Moran

Sarah Xypteras 

I began my yoga journey before I was even conscious of it. I was drawn to running group exercises for seniors and in time I noticed that at an older age, any movement is good movement. I learned to not take my body for granted. The body is something that needs to be taken care of to last and in a fast world it’s so easy to lose sight of that. Then I found yoga and realized the true connection of mind, body and soul. I set out on my yoga journey and along the way I became the person I didn’t even know I wanted to be. Finding beautiful connections and movements that truly nourished my soul. I’m grateful every day for my body. I love strong, powerful slow flows and I like to have fun with my classes. 

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