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Ayurveda Health Professional Training Program and Personal Wellness Program | Online Training & Mentoring | Open Doors Yoga Studios

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The Personal Wellness Course

Gateway to Ayurveda

Medical doctors teach you how to create your own personal wellness program.

Pressure Points

80-hour Ayurveda Health Professional Training

Train to offer Ayurveda Consultations in your Practice.

PErsonal Wellness

Maharishi AyurVeda® Personal Wellness Course
with Maharishi International University (MIU) Clinical Faculty Stuart Rothenberg, MD and Nancy Lonsdorf, MD

Understand your body type, imbalances and health effects of lifestyle and diet in a new light.

This course is for people who have a desire to learn, and take initiative to stop making the mistakes that cause disease and start creating a path to natural healing and rejuvenation.

Course Structure

  • Online videos by Drs. Rothenberg and Lonsdorf

  • Over 100 pages of supporting printable course materials


Registration and Fees

7.5 Hour Course

Fee – $195



USE CODE: ODY-10 to receive a 10% discount on normally priced programs 


What you will Receive

In the online Personal Wellness Course Drs. Rothenberg and Lonsdorf will draw on their decades of experience with many thousands of patients to help you develop your own personalized AyurVeda wellness program including:

  • Determining Body Type and Digestive Type

  • Learning general principles of healthy lifestyle and daily routine

  • Learning the Ayurvedic approach to balanced diet and healthy eating

  • Matching diet to body type and imbalance

  • Prevention and rejuvenation approaches

  • Cleansing and detox programs

  • Maharishi AyurVeda self-pulse assessment

Ayurveda professional

Maharishi AyurVeda® Ayurveda Health Professional Training

An 80-hour online Course with Stuart Rothenberg, MD and Nancy Lonsdorf, MD.

Training also includes 6-hours of private mentoring with a graduate of the Masters Degree, Maharishi AyurVeda and Integrative Medicine program from Maharishi International University.


Registration and Fees

one time fee

Fee – $1,295.


USE CODE: ODY-10 to receive a 10% discount on normally priced programs

partial payment program

Four equal payments of $324 at 90 day intervals



What you will Learn

Participants will develop practical skills for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease—including Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis—that can be immediately applied in your clinical practice, as well as your own life.

Prevention – Learn how to identify imbalances before they manifest as disease and eliminate them through effective natural medicine approaches.

Ayurvedic Diagnosis – Learn the Ayurvedic approach to determining the underlying root imbalances of common symptoms

Ayurvedic Pulse Assessment – Over 14 hours of expert instruction with supporting printed materials by our two MD faculty, each with experience seeing over 10,000 patients

Diet and Nutrition – Offer clients an individualized approach to diet and nutrition that addresses underlying imbalances at the root of their illness.

Chronic Disorders – Discover new and practical non-pharmacological approaches to enliven the body’s natural healing mechanisms and address the causes of common chronic disorders.

Detoxification – Learn how to apply traditional Ayurvedic procedures for clearing toxins from the body that may be a cause of chronic disorders.

Stress Reduction – Learn how to apply scientifically validated approaches to stress-reduction and mind-body balance.

Lifestyle Changes – Learn how to individualize daily routines and lifestyle recommendations for your patients to prevent behavioral mistakes that cause health problems.

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